When you contest the decision of a department, agency or municipality, you have the right to have access to your Tribunal file in accordance with Quebec’s Act respecting administrative justice, Act respecting access to documents held by public bodies and Protection of personal information (Act) and any other Act or Regulation Your request must be addressed to the Secretariat of the Tribunal.

If the information you wish to obtain is not available on our website, you may submit a request for access by contacting the person in charge of access to documents and the protection of personal information at the Tribunal:

Ms Julie Baril
Tribunal administratif du Québec
Legal office
500, boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest, 21e étage
Montréal (Québec) H2Z 1W7
Tel : (514) 873-8030, poste 5010
Toll free : 1 800 567-0278
Fax : (418) 643-2378
E-Mail : tribunal.administratif@taq.gouv.qc.ca

Your request must be sufficiently precise to allow us to locate the document wanted. It can be written or verbal. However, in the event that you do not agree with the decision of the person in charge of access, only a written request may be reviewed by the Commission d’accès à l’information.

The person in charge of access has 20 days to respond to your request. This period may be extended by 10 days, if necessary. In that case, a written notice will be sent to you. The lack of response in the delay is equivalent to a refusal.

The person in charge of access will provide assistance if needed to make a request and to identify the documents wanted.