The rules of procedure deal specifically with the following subjects:

 the days on which the Tribunal sits and the computation of time;

 the procedures related to the Motion To Institute A Proceeding to the Tribunal;

 the parties to a proceeding before the Tribunal, subpoenas and postponements;

 the presence of a witness at the hearing;

 the communication of the procedures and exhibits that make up a file;

 the hearing.

The Regulation respecting the procedure of the Tribunal administratif du Québec is by regulations adopted by a majority of its members, enacted by the Tribunal under the Act respecting administrative justice. This regulation came into effect on February 11th 2020.

These rules can be quoted as follows:
Regulation respecting the procedure of the Tribunal administratif du Québec (CQLR, chapter J-3, r.3).

You can consult the unabridged version of the Regulation respecting the procedure of the Tribunal administratif du Québec.